It is during these times of solitude and inner stillness that important thoughts, themes, or metaphors come to mind. So just a few weeks ago I was mowing my yard and had to maneuver around some unpleasant droppings my dog had just made. Truth is, it had been some time since the last thorough pick up of droppings so I had to dodge quite a few bombs. Which is precisely the reason I wear an old pair of sneakers when I mow. I’ve worn them so much for mowing that they have very attractive green stains across the toes.
Then the thought occurred to me. What if I mowed the grass in a nice pair of expensive basketball shoes? What if I wore a new pair of $225 Jordan XX9’s or some other expensive shoe named after an NBA celebrity? Not only that, but what if I wore them without any care or concern for the dog droppings and just slogged through pile after pile of my pet’s unpleasant waste?
Wouldn’t make any sense, right? Why would you take such an expensive pair of sneakers and use them for yard work when they are meant for the basketball court? Why would anyone want to leave grass stains on such a stylish and hip brand? Our lives, our very souls are far more valuable than any famous pair of sneakers. Not only that God has in mind for us a far greater purpose. Yet, when it comes to porn it seems we have no problem at all not only walking through but wallowing in pile after pile of the crap. With little to know thought or care for the impact it has on our soul.
So here’s what I hope we’ll learn from this little parable inspired by my weekly yard work. It’s a truth we may need to confront. Continually viewing porn is like buying a pair of high-priced Air Jordans and walking in dog crap over and over. Remember, there’s always a smell, crap fills the sole (SOUL), and it (STICKS) so you can never really get rid of the (sorry, there’s just no other way to put it!) S#@%!
“you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” I Cor. 6:20